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Walkbyfaith7 01-05-2008 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by Joseph Miller (Post 348471)
NO that is against scripture, not just a standard of the church.

Women wearing pants that were made, developed for a woman anatomy?
Have you ever tried to put on pants that were made anatomically for a woman?
It won't work.

The bible says we as men shouldn't wear that which is for a woman. So please, don't wear bras, panties and high heels.

In bible days, men didn't wear pants either. If I wore what biblical men wore you'd probably claim the outfit would pertain to a woman. :ohplease

Joseph Miller 01-05-2008 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by Walkbyfaith7 (Post 348472)
There are AOG people that have been baptized in Jesus name.
I am glad you feel you are as good as Jesus and can judge all those people.

What if people like you will go to hell for judging....if you judge you will be judged. Ever think about that?

There maybe some people batized in Jesus name in the AOG, I am glad they have been. If they live a holy life they can be saved. My comments are pointed more at the doctrine of the AOG. People who are not baptized in Jesus name, filled with the Holy Ghost and live a holy life will not be saved. That is not judging people, that is just standing on the word.

I don't know how long you have been around AFF but in the last couple months there have been a LOT of people attacking apostolic doctrine. I hope your not going to join them.

Walkbyfaith7 01-05-2008 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by jrLA (Post 348475)
Well, dugh, she would have forfirtied her priviledge of singing on my platform. I hold a platform standard. I teach the standard and I want folk to adhere. If they are in leadership (platform included) they do have to live up to the standard.

This is entirly different! Apples and oranges!

Then you just judged her by her appearance, (something you just said in your last post that you try not to do).

Oh course you judge by appearance. You no doubt do it daily, if not hourly.

Joseph Miller 01-05-2008 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by Walkbyfaith7 (Post 348476)
Women wearing pants that were made, developed for a woman anatomy?
Have you ever tried to put on pants that were made anatomically for a woman?
It won't work.

The bible says we as men shouldn't wear that which is for a woman. So please, don't wear bras, panties and high heels.

In bible days, men didn't wear pants either. If I wore what biblical men wore you'd probably claim the outfit would pertain to a woman. :ohplease

There is more to it than than.

Monkeyman 01-05-2008 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by Walkbyfaith7 (Post 348448)
If only you knew....I'm from Oregon and our secretary, Brother Langley from your neck of the woods has been crying for years that you guys in your state have been losing your holiness standards.

It goes WAY beyond TV but the TV resolution is a huge part of it.

Newbie, this isn't how we post around here. I wonder how Bro. Langley would like his comments posted here? And you are talking about men whom you wouldn't be worthy to carry their luggage!

Joseph Miller 01-05-2008 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by Walkbyfaith7 (Post 348478)
Then you just judged her by her appearance, (something you just said in your last post that you try not to do).

Oh course you judge by appearance. You no doubt do it daily, if not hourly.

hey newbie slow down on your judging, you are shooting venom everywhere.

Joseph Miller 01-05-2008 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by Monkeyman (Post 348480)
Newbie, this isn't how we post around here. I wonder how Bro. Langley would like his comments posted here? And you are talking about men whom you wouldn't be worthy to carry their luggage!


Originally Posted by Joseph Miller (Post 348483)
hey newbie slow down on your judging, you are shooting venom everywhere.

off to a bad start

Walkbyfaith7 01-05-2008 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by Joseph Miller (Post 348477)
There maybe some people batized in Jesus name in the AOG, I am glad they have been. If they live a holy life they can be saved. My comments are pointed more at the doctrine of the AOG. People who are not baptized in Jesus name, filled with the Holy Ghost and live a holy life will not be saved. That is not judging people, that is just standing on the word.

I don't know how long you have been around AFF but in the last couple months there have been a LOT of people attacking apostolic doctrine. I hope your not going to join them.

Well, I consider that judging. You are talking about millions of people you have never met, never had a conversation with.

Walkbyfaith7 01-05-2008 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by Monkeyman (Post 348480)
Newbie, this isn't how we post around here. I wonder how Bro. Langley would like his comments posted here? And you are talking about men whom you wouldn't be worthy to carry their luggage!

Hey Monkey-

I was there when he said it at family camp in front of a couple/few hundred people. If you want, we can find the tape for you.

Contact the Oregon District. I forget what year, maybe 2003 or 2004.
I can find out if you want it.

tv1a 01-05-2008 11:49 AM

It seems like you have more of a beef with me than I do with your legalistic rantings. Find the thread I started which states my core beliefs. Not one conservative nor legalist. Those are my core beliefs and they are based right from the Good Book.

What you consider subjective many call principle. If I were so subjective, would I have stepped up to the plate when William Price was thrown to the wolves a few months back? He and I have a cyber-violent history. But when the schizo from connecticut and paraniod jack rabbit from florida threw him under the bus, who was there leading the charge saying it wasn't right. If I recall you were mute on the topic. If I were subjective, I would been silent when Steve Epley was criticized by the Florida Freakazoid for associating with a more liberal brother.

How can you say I'm a subjective person when I show scriptural evidence why a trinitarian without a oneness revelation can be saved and support the rights of the snake handlers to strut their stuff without self righteous ridicule from the sidelines.

Would a subjective 3-stepper admit the attempted revisionsit history of the upci? Would a subjective person praise the current upci superintendent for his vision?

Where Oh great wise one is the "subjective' posting? I suggest you stop trying to top Dan's post count by silly little potshots at me. If you want to verbally bring it on, let roll. Let's discover who is subjective and who isn't. Start off with reading the thread about what I believe and list which principles you disagree. Unlike Thad and NYLP, I am not so entrenched in the system that I don't have to back off when there is a little heat.

I don't know what I've done to you, but I haven't gotten anyone this riled since William Price and I were cyber duking it out. Maybe God called you to fill his shoes.

For the record, I don't like nor dislike you. I read your testimony a few years ago on the web. It was one of the most inspiriational testimonials I've read.

I don't know why you want to tie me to your lynching tree, but I wouldn't mind getting to the bottom of it. Who knows, you may discover you are more like me than you care to think. lol


Originally Posted by philjones (Post 348426)
The king of subjective posting strikes again! You crack me up!:penguin:penguin


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