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Maple Leaf 09-16-2007 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by Maple Leaf (Post 241095)
A second thought before the whistle blows and it's back to the salt mines for me:

I grew up in the shadow of giants.

Great men of God who cast long shadows.

Men who valued the cause more than the controversy.

Men who knew what they believed, preached it, lived it, and fellowshipped others who differed.


Originally Posted by Barb (Post 241323)
Wow...when I was growing up, that was never the way of the world in the UPCI 'round these parts.:nah

The Oneness work in NB historically included many great men who differed on doctrine, but agreed on mission. Here is a quote from Professor T. Fudge's book, "Christianity Without the Cross," that gives a little insight into the diversity tolerated: (Page 289), attributed to Rev. E.S. McKeen: 'The Roman Catholic priest here in St. Stephen (New Brunswick) has repented and therefore is saved.' Bro. McKeen, at that time (1998) was District Secretary, went on to become Principal of Northeast Christian College (UPC), and currently serves as Honorary District Presbyter.

Maple Leaf 09-16-2007 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by ALVIN (Post 242994)
It's kinda ironic that someone with the screen name "Senator" would talk about government bureaucrats being useless.

:slaphappy :slaphappy :slaphappy :slaphappy

Barb 09-16-2007 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by Maple Leaf (Post 243007)
The Oneness work in NB historically included many great men who differed on doctrine, but agreed on mission. Here is a quote from Professor T. Fudge's book, "Christianity Without the Cross," that gives a little insight into the diversity tolerated: (Page 289), attributed to Rev. E.S. McKeen: 'The Roman Catholic priest here in St. Stephen (New Brunswick) has repented and therefore is saved.' Bro. McKeen, at that time (1998) was District Secretary, went on to become Principal of Northeast Christian College (UPC), and currently serves as Honorary District Presbyter.


Rachel 09-16-2007 08:23 PM

MM did a phenomenal job with the video clip. We are thrilled with the product. The clip play from 9 am to 4 pm at the Campus Fair last Thursday and we made quite a few contacts. God is great. (We did connect with the Navigator group as well - chatted a bit. It was good!).

Alvin - No.. I'm not on the video. :)

We do have Bible school students involved with the Network but the Network (we are blessed to say) has the support of CCC. They have been great to the university students in the city and are incredibly encouraging. We are looking to network with other students, faculty and staff on campus - but are wanting to move beyond as well into networking and connecting with our community. We have students signed up to volunteer some time at the soup kitchen as our first volunteer project. We're excited about that and are expecting God to do great things.

Rachel 09-16-2007 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by TRIPLE E (Post 242730)
Looks great hopefully this will spread and someday a network can be started on the university in our city!

We do desire to see the outreach to spread across the province and the nation. Our campuses are ready for an outpouring! :)

Rachel 09-16-2007 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by Maple Leaf (Post 241632)

Thanks for the 411.

This looks like a great project.

I will pray that God will bless this outreach.

I was speaking with a student on the UNB campus who is involved with the University Alpha program, and with a Navigator's Bible study group, but wasn't aware of any UPC type presence on the campus.

I am assuming, with your involvement, that this group has something of a Oneness Pentecostal perspective? Is this group an outreach of NCC?

Prayer is always greatly appreciated!

There is a Biblical perspective. :) We want to encourage and stimulate discussion. University students are a curious lot - they enjoy being challenged and they tend to ask the 'big' questions. The Network offers friendship and a place where students or faculty can ask those questions and discuss - we want to connect, support and love those on campus.

Rachel 09-16-2007 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by Truly Blessed (Post 241674)
Thanks for the link Rachel! Is this an inter-denominational fellowship?

Our support and backing come from CCC - We so much appreciate everything that they have done to help jumpstart the process. Our outreach is an extension of CCC and we have been blessed with awesome leadership in that aspect. But as the name implies, we are wanting to connect and network. We are certainly not exclusive - our networks are open to anyone. On campus (at the fair), we connected with two other Christian groups/clubs and discussed the possibility of connecting and combining numbers for future community volunteer opportunities.

Maple Leaf 09-16-2007 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by Rachel (Post 243025)
Prayer is always greatly appreciated!

There is a Biblical perspective. :) We want to encourage and stimulate discussion. University students are a curious lot - they enjoy being challenged and they tend to ask the 'big' questions. The Network offers friendship and a place where students or faculty can ask those questions and discuss - we want to connect, support and love those on campus.


We hear a lot about how Oneness young people are attending university in record numbers. How many Oneness students would you estimate that there are on the UNBF and STU campus'?

On a completely unrelated topic. I think that it would be great if the Bible School would expand their dormitory facilities and give university students exposure to the atmosphere and fellowship at the Bible School.

Rachel 09-16-2007 08:50 PM

I have a list of about 24 - 26 on campus that I am aware of on UNBF/STU. If 1 can put a 1000 to flight and 2, 10 000 - we can certainly take on UNBF/STU. :)

Maple Leaf 09-16-2007 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Rachel (Post 243035)
I have a list of about 24 - 26 on campus that I am aware of on UNBF/STU. If 1 can put a 1000 to flight and 2, 10 000 - we can certainly take on UNBF/STU. :)

That's interesting. I'm sure that during my time at the Institute you could have counted the Oneness students at UNBF on your fingers quite easily.

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