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-   -   Whaaaaaaatt???? What's happening in Canada?? (https://www.apostolicfriendsforum.com/showthread.php?t=4739)

Barb 09-16-2007 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by Felicity (Post 242873)
You don't sound like a Yankee. :killinme

What are y'all talkin' about, girl?! :hypercoffee

TRIPLE E 09-16-2007 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by Bullwinkle (Post 242774)
Don't know Dave story. Word is they bought the old co-op in New Abandon. People from all over the mirimichi coming. Rev. JWB was there. Heard some from Boystown were going their now.
supposed to be having great youth revival.
Is that the story which was in Fredricton?

If JWB was there I'd be surprised since the last thing they need is a Bapticostal church in Ludlow and from the many times JWB has been to the Miramichi he should even know that!
Yes some from Boiestown are going there I heard the music in Boiestown was just to contemporary for them and the standards of old time pentecost well they don't want that either so i guess Bapticostal will do them just fine. Sad!
i heard Boiestown was having the great youth revival but hey it's the Miramichi and there are a lot of floaters out there that float to whatever is new but in the end they always end up back home wherever that was to start with.

TRIPLE E 09-16-2007 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by Thad (Post 242802)
Hello to all you canadians- been a while!

Howz God's Frozen Chosen Doing these days ????

wow this thread is still truckin' on! they need to change the name of this thread to " Pentecost of canada III" what do you think ?

Hi Thad we had FC at our church on Friday Aaron was the only one with him.

Thad 09-16-2007 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by TRIPLE E (Post 242906)
Hi Thad we had FC at our church on Friday Aaron was the only one with him.

FC??? that's not registering

Thad 09-16-2007 05:43 PM

OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE REVERAND FREEDIE CLARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ooooaky - well how was that ????

TRIPLE E 09-16-2007 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by Thad (Post 242924)
OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE REVERAND FREEDIE CLARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ooooaky - well how was that ????

It was great Thad,a good time was had by all!

Thad 09-16-2007 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by TRIPLE E (Post 242926)
It was great Thad,a good time was had by all!

Did he give you a word ?? If so spill it ..NOW

ALVIN 09-16-2007 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by Thad (Post 242948)
Did he give you a word ?? If so spill it ..NOW

The real question is: Was Sister Sylvia there with Brother Freddy?

ALVIN 09-16-2007 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by Monkeyman (Post 242718)

Way to go Monkeyman.

I see some familiar faces from NCC, but is one of those lovely ladies AFF's "Rachel?"

ALVIN 09-16-2007 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by The Senator (Post 242551)
Has anybody else noticed how that some people move off the river, and as soon as they get to the city they start to swell up until their head's way too big for what's in it?

Fredericton is the result of Darwin's natural selection. People who can't make it on the river move there and interbreed until they're not fit for anything but a Government job. A generation or two in the civil service and they reach middle management. Then comes budget cutbacks and flushes them all away.

So a job with the Provincial Government is for the mentally impaired, but making a career out of mailing a pogey card to the Federal Government every two weeks makes one a solid citizen?

It's kinda ironic that someone with the screen name "Senator" would talk about government bureaucrats being useless.

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