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Thad 11-01-2007 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by ChicagoPastor (Post 289574)
I don't know who the newbie is but he has his facts all wrong.
Resolution 4 is NOT going to be overturned....
It will NOT come up in N.C. It's over and done with.

CP, at conference there was talk of the Cons staying in the UPC and trying to overturn it - just talk though . I think that most have come to the realization that there is no turning back now

TRIPLE E 11-01-2007 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by Thad (Post 289591)
CP, at conference there was talk of the Cons staying in the UPC and trying to overturn it - just talk though . I think that most have come to the realization that there is no turning back now

I think we may get a little surprise In January as the Cons meet to become a united front Within the UPCI.After all the org is as much theirs as it is the Libs.Who is to say that resolution 4 will not be overturned or severely amended at the next GC?

stmatthew 11-01-2007 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by TRIPLE E (Post 289615)
I think we may get a little surprise In January as the Cons meet to become a united front Within the UPCI.After all the org is as much theirs as it is the Libs.Who is to say that resolution 4 will not be overturned or severely amended at the next GC?

I do not see an overthrow of Res #4, but this (bolded above) is very possible IF a "united" front on the conservative side is mounted. All it will take is a resolution written and put on the floor.

Thad 11-01-2007 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by TRIPLE E (Post 289615)
I think we may get a little surprise In January as the Cons meet to become a united front Within the UPCI.After all the org is as much theirs as it is the Libs.Who is to say that resolution 4 will not be overturned or severely amended at the next GC?

are you going to Tulsa ??

faithfulinlittle777 11-01-2007 01:08 PM

gee thad u werent tripping when u said that:)

well im no newbie....ive been around before haneywood....ill be around after...
guys seriously though...its just paperwork..seriously...no joke...just like theres been no word from hq about kenneth n carla dean's daddy joining...guys things are handled officially...its just paperwork....n personally i dont see tulsa happening cause anyone that went would be in open rebellion...those in the game long enough know the score...

faithfulinlittle777 11-01-2007 01:12 PM

ok let me break it down....for those of u not licensed ministers...

ok....let me choose my words carefully.....

ok, libs n cons can agree with me on this one i know...right? this is just what the Word says...were not even talking manual yet...
ok...by submitting u overturn so to speak the hostile situation...ask ur pastor if u dont believe me...thats why there will be no tulsa...larry is not going to openly defy the office...regardless of his personal opinion...cause larry knows the score see...larrys been around long enough to recognize the situation..i would think...although he is younger than those i know....see im just saying...not even looking at the manual..looking at the Word...thats all...lol, but i guess im a newbie here...hi everyone how are ya?

Thad 11-01-2007 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by faithfulinlittle777 (Post 289635)
gee thad u werent tripping when u said that:)

well im no newbie....ive been around before haneywood....ill be around after...
guys seriously though...its just paperwork..seriously...no joke...just like theres been no word from hq about kenneth n carla dean's daddy joining...guys things are handled officially...its just paperwork....n personally i dont see tulsa happening cause anyone that went would be in open rebellion...those in the game long enough know the score...

said what? asking someone if the was going to Tulsa or what i asked you?(that's why we use quotes here :pirate)

I would love if if KH showed up at the Tulsa meeting!!!!!! :stirpot

TRIPLE E 11-01-2007 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by stmatthew (Post 289619)
I do not see an overthrow of Res #4, but this (bolded above) is very possible IF a "united" front on the conservative side is mounted. All it will take is a resolution written and put on the floor.

Thats it after all resolutions and amendments are all paperwork right faithfulinlittlethings777?

TRIPLE E 11-01-2007 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by Thad (Post 289646)
said what? asking someone if the was going to Tulsa or what i asked you?(that's why we use quotes here :pirate)

I would love if if KH showed up at the Tulsa meeting!!!!!! :stirpot

I think it would be great if KH and a few more showed up for Tulsa it could be a real eye-opener for certain individuals!

ChicagoPastor 11-01-2007 01:31 PM

According to the new guy, there IS not such meeting taking place in Tulsa....
It's all an illusion!

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