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FlamingZword 02-11-2019 09:18 PM

Re: Hair, sleeves, pantsuits, jewelry, and makeup
Now sister Amanah thinks that having jewelry is wrong, with so many starving to death on our streets.

Well God owns all gold and silver in the world.
"The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the Lord of hosts."

So in order for God not to be wrong, or insensitive about all those starving people, then he would just sell all that gold and silver and then give the proceeds to those people, or just give them some of his gold or silver and then he would be a hero to sister Amanah.

Tithesmeister 02-11-2019 09:50 PM

Re: Hair, sleeves, pantsuits, jewelry, and makeup

Originally Posted by FlamingZword (Post 1558031)
Now sister Amanah thinks that having jewelry is wrong, with so many starving to death on our streets.

Well God owns all gold and silver in the world.
"The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the Lord of hosts."

So in order for God not to be wrong, or insensitive about all those starving people, then he would just sell all that gold and silver and then give the proceeds to those people, or just give them some of his gold or silver and then he would be a hero to sister Amanah.

Sister Amanah has good intentions. We should NEVER feel good about wearing extravagant jewelry while our brothers and sisters struggle. We SHOULD help from our abundance. But we shouldn’t say something is sinful that the Bible never names as sin.

As I have said, we have zero credible evidence that wearing jewelry is a sin, so far. Therefore we should not add to the Bible and call it sin when the Bible arguably considers it a blessing.

Helping the poor, infirm, disadvantaged, widows and they who may be even temporarily destitute are all honorable things we should do as Christians. Adding to the several lists of sins that specifically ensure us an express ticket to a hot burning hell is something we should be very careful about doing IMO.

Truthseeker 02-12-2019 06:56 AM

Re: Hair, sleeves, pantsuits, jewelry, and makeup
The bible says sin is transgression of the law. Where in all the commandments in the law does it mention jewelry?

jediwill83 02-12-2019 08:07 AM

Re: Hair, sleeves, pantsuits, jewelry, and makeup

Originally Posted by Truthseeker (Post 1558038)
The bible says sin is transgression of the law. Where in all the commandments in the law does it mention jewelry?

Just sitting here eating breakfast before heading to work and thinking and basically when you break it down jewelry is simply ornamental wealth in liquid form. It is wearable wealth that could be given for exchange.

Esaias 02-12-2019 01:27 PM

Re: Hair, sleeves, pantsuits, jewelry, and makeup
Most people operate under the "Do I HAVE to?" philosophy. Which is the prevailing philosophy found among most rebellious toddlers (we call them "brats"). Mom or Dad suggest a certain way of doing things, and the response is immediate: Do I HAVE to? Unless there is a definite and clear severe punishment involved, Dad's advice is conveniently ignored.

What kind of child is that? A brat. A disrespectful, stubborn, selfish, brat.

Dad often may suggest advice, "Hey, might be better if you do things this way instead of that way..." Not a RULE, just fatherly advice. Two kids, one says "Do I HAVE to?" and the other says "Hmm, Dad's usually spot on with his wisdom and suggestions, think I'll follow his lead." Which kid gets the better deal in Dad's last will and testament? Now, think of Dad as a righteous Israelite monarch in Bible days, and consider that same question.

Attitude often supercedes individual actions.

Tithesmeister 02-12-2019 01:55 PM

Re: Hair, sleeves, pantsuits, jewelry, and makeup

Originally Posted by Esaias (Post 1558046)
Most people operate under the "Do I HAVE to?" philosophy. Which is the prevailing philosophy found among most rebellious toddlers (we call them "brats"). Mom or Dad suggest a certain way of doing things, and the response is immediate: Do I HAVE to? Unless there is a definite and clear severe punishment involved, Dad's advice is conveniently ignored.

What kind of child is that? A brat. A disrespectful, stubborn, selfish, brat.

Dad often may suggest advice, "Hey, might be better if you do things this way instead of that way..." Not a RULE, just fatherly advice. Two kids, one says "Do I HAVE to?" and the other says "Hmm, Dad's usually spot on with his wisdom and suggestions, think I'll follow his lead." Which kid gets the better deal in Dad's last will and testament? Now, think of Dad as a righteous Israelite monarch in Bible days, and consider that same question.

Attitude often supercedes individual actions.

So if the hypothetical father is God, and this Father considers jewelry a blessing, would the hypothetical child be more bratty if he considers jewelry a blessing as well? Because if the hypothetical father is the pastor in your example, that would be more along the example of the RCC. In the Bible father usually means your biological father or ancestor (Abraham or David), or often if it is capitalized (Father) it refers to God.

I believe it is much more respectful (or, as you would say, less bratty) to let the Bible say what the Bible says. We are advised at least three times in the scripture not to add to God’s words or subtract from them. Perhaps you believe that advice does not include pastors. I believe it does.

Esaias 02-12-2019 02:36 PM

Re: Hair, sleeves, pantsuits, jewelry, and makeup

Originally Posted by Tithesmeister (Post 1558049)
So if the hypothetical father is God, and this Father considers jewelry a blessing, would the hypothetical child be more bratty if he considers jewelry a blessing as well? Because if the hypothetical father is the pastor in your example, that would be more along the example of the RCC. In the Bible father usually means your biological father or ancestor (Abraham or David), or often if it is capitalized (Father) it refers to God.

I believe it is much more respectful (or, as you would say, less bratty) to let the Bible say what the Bible says. We are advised at least three times in the scripture not to add to God’s words or subtract from them. Perhaps you believe that advice does not include pastors. I believe it does.

Call no man upon the earth "father", so Dad here is clearly God.

Hosea 2:13 contains a warning on this subject, where decking yourself with jewelry is a sign of pride that leads to forgetting God. Not forgetting ABOUT God, but leaving off genuine service and obedience to Him.

The apostles' words on how Christian women ought to present themselves, including their appearance and attire, is more to the point than symbolic descriptions of metaphors, or of historical narratives of plundering the enemies.

And let's be clear: the Bible does NOT say jewelry of any kind in any situation is sinful. But then neither is homicide, since we want to get technical here. But the apostles DID teach Christian women to forget about decking themselves up to be dressed to kill, and rather to adorn themselves with godliness and sobriety and humility and chasteness.

Sisters can violate the apostolic teaching even "within the boundaries of denominational standards" (seen Pentecostal hairdos lately? And some look more dressed for a night on the town rather than a meeting with God, skirt length and no makeup and no gold or silver notwithstanding).

If we are do all to the glory of God, the question one should ask is "If I don this jewelry, how does it speak to others of the beauty of HOLINESS?" Christians known for holiness and genuine piety have historically always been known for plain, simple, modest, non ostentatious dress and appearance. There's a reason that is so. And a calendar change to the 21st century doesn't affect that.

Tithesmeister 02-12-2019 04:47 PM

Re: Hair, sleeves, pantsuits, jewelry, and makeup

Originally Posted by Esaias (Post 1558050)
Call no man upon the earth "father", so Dad here is clearly God.

Hosea 2:13 contains a warning on this subject, where decking yourself with jewelry is a sign of pride that leads to forgetting God. Not forgetting ABOUT God, but leaving off genuine service and obedience to Him.

The apostles' words on how Christian women ought to present themselves, including their appearance and attire, is more to the point than symbolic descriptions of metaphors, or of historical narratives of plundering the enemies.

And let's be clear: the Bible does NOT say jewelry of any kind in any situation is sinful. But then neither is homicide, since we want to get technical here. But the apostles DID teach Christian women to forget about decking themselves up to be dressed to kill, and rather to adorn themselves with godliness and sobriety and humility and chasteness.

Sisters can violate the apostolic teaching even "within the boundaries of denominational standards" (seen Pentecostal hairdos lately? And some look more dressed for a night on the town rather than a meeting with God, skirt length and no makeup and no gold or silver notwithstanding).

If we are do all to the glory of God, the question one should ask is "If I don this jewelry, how does it speak to others of the beauty of HOLINESS?" Christians known for holiness and genuine piety have historically always been known for plain, simple, modest, non ostentatious dress and appearance. There's a reason that is so. And a calendar change to the 21st century doesn't affect that.

Brother Esaias,

I would like to give you the opportunity to edit this post BEFORE I respond to it. Would you like to take advantage of that opportunity?

Brother, you’re way smarter than this.

Esaias 02-12-2019 05:12 PM

Re: Hair, sleeves, pantsuits, jewelry, and makeup

Originally Posted by Tithesmeister (Post 1558054)
Brother Esaias,

I would like to give you the opportunity to edit this post BEFORE I respond to it. Would you like to take advantage of that opportunity?

Brother, you’re way smarter than this.

I don't see any major typos, so ...?

If I'm "way smarter than this", perhaps you should take that into consideration before thinking I'm off my rocker? I dunno, maybe?

Tithesmeister 02-12-2019 05:15 PM

Re: Hair, sleeves, pantsuits, jewelry, and makeup

Originally Posted by Esaias (Post 1558055)
I don't see any major typos, so ...?

If I'm "way smarter than this", perhaps you should take that into consideration before thinking I'm off my rocker? I dunno, maybe?

Thou shalt not kill?

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