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Evang.Benincasa 05-18-2015 04:48 PM

Re: McMinnville pastor accused in suit of Defamati

Originally Posted by n david (Post 1374387)
I've asked a question twice and haven't received an answer. It's a simple question. The news articles didn't mention anything about this. You called Matthew Davies a criminal. Has he been arrested and charged with a crime? If so, please post proof of this. If not, then he's not a criminal and you should stop calling him one.

They see a preacher bleeding in the water, they taste the blood, the eyes roll over white, and then they start feeding in a frenzy pattern.

You are correct n david, you are correct.

Pilgram199 05-18-2015 05:27 PM

Re: McMinnville pastor accused in suit of Defamati

Originally Posted by Servant's <3 (Post 1373909)
I have no idea who either of you two new guys are... and I don't intend to defend either party.
That being said both families/men should be ashamed of their conduct.

Firstly, the pastor should not have used his position in a capacity that could earn him money for a business at the expense of anyone, especially children. He was completely wrong in doing so. That's not to say teenagers should not do things for the church but not in a labor-capacity. If anything, something small and only in a service to the church directly.

I have no idea all of the events that transpired, but when he did that surely they went to him first to hopefully correct the error. If he refused or was unwilling to hear his brother then he should have gotten 2 or 3 others as laid out in the bible for correction. If he further will not hear get a Presbyter involved. (I don't know the setup in Oregon clearly)

Secondly, the pastor should not have called the man out in front of everyone. This is just further wrongs committed. There are things that it really is not the business of the whole congregation and both parties should try to keep their heads and not go tale bearing to everyone. Things should be handled with as few people as possible unless some people are seeking guidance on how to handle a situation.

Thirdly, the man should not have sued the pastor. I am not saying the pastor did correctly. I am saying inside the faith a man should not go about suing another man inside the same faith especially.... it makes all involved look even worse.... it causes further damage to relationships.... and it hurts the faith itself... more than likely this will only cause those outside the church who desire to do damage to the church to feel justified in doing something politically minded that will damage us all.

I am in no way saying that the pastor should not be censured... but I feel it should be done in a better manner.

Regardless of compensation being made or not FORGIVENESS is necessary from both parties. Especially at this point. We HAVE to forgive one another. We cannot be the example to the world we are supposed to be if we do not from our hearts forgive one another our trespasses. And I'm not talking about wishy washy feel good forgiveness. I mean the forgiveness that is based in God's unfailing, unending love. Forgiveness in the same manner that God has forgiven us. Love and compassion is the ONLY thing that will reconcile this situation. No amount of money in judgement or censure will repair this relationship. Only forgiveness in love will.

Forgiveness means laying down our desire for vengeance or recompense. It means laying aside our own feelings of betrayal. It also means apologizing (in this case publicly). It is not about who is right and who is wrong.... true love and forgiveness is not caring about that especially considering both parties have done some wrong. It is about humbling ourselves and desiring reconciliation with our brother...

Pride and Greed have clearly come into this situation. As well as a wounded heart.

I will pray God's mercy for all involved and that he would move in the hearts of everyone to be compassionate to one another.

This is probably the most logical and thoughtful response to the very ugly issue. :yourock

Holy Ghost HH 05-18-2015 09:07 PM

Re: McMinnville pastor accused in suit of Defamati
Did not Paul ask for help form The government when the church was persecuting him? I appeal to Caesar. As well a Jesus of his own free will. As for sharks in the water... Well I gave that some thought. It seems that is the apologist point of view. Clearly that is all you can say. You would not bemoan the cloth as you appear to be. Again I say I love that pastor and that family but one was unethical and lied. Those are facts. I can prove. In my opinion I would be willing to say if I slandered them they would come after me or that brother. In my opinion I would call them crooks. As in crooked. They did wrong. If the Bible is the guild to how they should have acted they should have paid 2x what was owed. As contractors they should have known what they did was wrong but did it anyway. Remember it says be sure your sin will find you out. If they lied in an investigation when is it repented of? I would say when they made the lie right. As in telling BOLI they where untruthful in the hours and years those children worked. But again their God "the lawyers" would say no. Of they did nothing wrong why hiire 3 of the best and not let God represent you like Paul and Jesus. After all isn't a Christian Christ like or is this now business? I as a human being can not see using children for hire. This was not used at the church. Again it was the "business" the pastors owned that used the children so they could keep all the contracted money for lawn work. How sad is that? Not one person on his crew was a person that didn't attend church. Exception was the second complaint but he attended for a while. So he used church family to profit. What happened to pay a man worthy of his hire? Defend that apologists. Blood in the water? Yes there is and it is Jeaus' blood shed again by these so called pastors. Mistakes? Trafic violations? How about willful sin? Go ahead and stick up for unethical lying people maybe it is because you have a dog in the fight? Or 3. Ruff ruff.

Sister Alvear 05-18-2015 09:29 PM

Re: McMinnville pastor accused in suit of Defamati
I thought they worked to help pay their way through school?

Holy Ghost HH 05-18-2015 09:35 PM

Re: McMinnville pastor accused in suit of Defamati

Originally Posted by n david (Post 1374385)
The Pastors don't have to repent to you, nor do they have to apologize to you. You're not Jesus. If you hold a grudge or bitterness or anger against someone, the Bible says you need to forgive them or you won't be forgiven.

No your right but they have to make right the wrong? As in telling the truth. Not only that the "standard" they set is if your sin is found out and posted in the media you have to stand before the church and confess, apologize and sit down until time is seen fit for punishment. None of that has happened so that is hypocritical at least.

Holy Ghost HH 05-18-2015 09:39 PM

Re: McMinnville pastor accused in suit of Defamati

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear (Post 1374476)
I thought they worked to help pay their way through school?

Not even close. They worked long hours with no pay and the church took offerings for the school payments. These are facts Honerable Sister. Not accusations. I can stand before Jeaus with all I say. Not only does he have the books of life Jesus has the BOLI file that will judge as well. What would you say if no money was paid to LCA from the business the children worked for free for?
I can't wait to find those documents at deposition.

Holy Ghost HH 05-18-2015 09:51 PM

Re: McMinnville pastor accused in suit of Defamati
Stephen, Jeaus, nor John the Baptist had high paid lawyers to represent them. They let God see them through. Why not these 2? Some would say that would be unwise, others would say lack of faith. I say why not let them spend the church tithe and offering to fix this mess.

Holy Ghost HH 05-18-2015 10:00 PM

Re: McMinnville pastor accused in suit of Defamati
And yes Mathew Davies will be preaching at WCC this year. If anyone of you go just know this, that man preaching has willful sin in his life in my opinion. He needs to tell the truth of what went on. Because it will all come out in court. If he doesn't I would sit back away from the pulpit for fear of hell fire and brimstone falling over him. No sin shall enter the kingdom of God.

Praxeas 05-18-2015 10:40 PM

Re: McMinnville pastor accused in suit of Defamati

Originally Posted by n david (Post 1374374)
"But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."

I don't agree with the Pastor's actions in excommunicating the accuser, based on what's been posted on here. But people need to learn to forgive them and move on. You cannot hold bitterness, anger and unforgiveness in your heart and be saved.

Personally I dont believe it's always a matter of forgiveness. If these things are true, this man needs to be exposed

Esaias 05-19-2015 03:19 AM

Re: McMinnville pastor accused in suit of Defamati
Does anybody on this thread actually have a dog in this fight?

Or are we just typical bored Americans looking for vicarious excitement?

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